2016年5月,SCI-E数据库共收录我校师生第一作者或通讯作者论文139篇,其中原文文献类型为Article的论文122篇。期刊影响因子最高的Article是南方医科大学南方医院Yanfeng Hu、福建医科大学附属协和医院Changming Huang、复旦大学附属中山医院Yihong Sun、北京大学肿瘤医院Xiangqian Su以并列第一作者发表在《JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY》上的原始论文(通讯作者为南方医科大学南方医院的Guoxin Li),2014年期刊影响因子为18.443。此外,南方医科大学第三附属医院Yan, Bo和Zhang,Zhongmin以并列第一作者发表在《NATURE COMMUNICATIONS》上的原始论文(通讯作者为南方医科大学第三附属医院、基础医学院的Bai, XC),2014年期刊影响因子为11.47。根据2016年5月更新的ESI期刊目录,统计SCI-E数据库中文献类型为Article和Review的文献131篇,如下:BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY学科的论文15篇,CHEMISTRY学科的论文7篇,CLINICAL MEDICINE学科的论文57篇,ENGINEERING学科的论文2篇,ENVIRONMENT/ECOLOGY学科的论文1篇,IMMUNOLOGY学科的论文3篇,MATERIALS SCIENCE学科的论文3篇,MICROBIOLOGY学科的论文4篇,MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICS学科的论文12篇,Multidisciplinary学科的论文7篇,NEUROSCIENCE & BEHAVIOR学科的论文7篇,PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY学科的论文11篇,PHYSICS学科的论文1篇,不属于ESI收录的论文1篇。各单位发表原始论文数量如下:
来源单位 |
第一作者或通讯作者原始论文数量 |
南方医院 |
50 |
珠江医院 |
29 |
基础医学院 |
14 |
第三附属医院 |
6 |
中医药学院 |
5 |
生物医学工程学院 |
3 |
公共卫生学院 |
2 |
药学院 |
7 |
中西医结合医院 |
2 |
生物技术学院 |
1 |
研究生学院 |
3 |
实验动物中心 |
2 |
深圳医院 |
2 |
其他(含非直属附属医院以及未标明学院的文献) |
13 |
编号 | 论文作者、标题、出处及影响因子相关信息 |
1 |
Lu, T., et al., The Correlation of Serums CCL11, CCL17, CCL26, and CCL27 and Disease Severity in Patients with Urticaria. DISEASE MARKERS, 2016(1381760): p. 1-11. |
2 |
Ma, Y.L., et al., PKG-1 alpha mediates GATA4 transcriptional activity. CELLULAR SIGNALLING, 2016. 28(6): p. 585-594. |
3 |
Chen, X., et al., Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with fatty liver index, the index of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 28(6): p. 650-655. |
4 |
Zhao, H.Q., et al., A zinc(II)-based two-dimensional MOF for sensitive and selective sensing of HIV-1 ds-DNA sequences. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, 2016. 922: p. 55-63. |
5 |
Peng, H., et al., The important role of the receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma progression. JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 2016. 14(131). |
6 |
Shao, Z.Y., et al., Loss of the 14-3-3s is essential for LASP1-mediated colorectal cancer progression via activating PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(25631). |
7 |
Li, H.R., et al., Comparison of Talaromyces marneffei Infection in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-positive and Human Immunodeficiency Virus-negative Patients from Fujian, China. CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2016. 129(9): p. 1059-1065. |
8 |
Zhang, X.Y., et al., Epigenetically regulated miR-449a enhances hepatitis B virus replication by targeting cAMP-responsive element binding protein 5 and modulating hepatocytes phenotype. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(25389). |
9 |
Liu, X.Z., et al., Involvement of alpha 5 integrin in survivin-mediated osteosarcoma metastasis. ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(5): p. 465-469. |
10 |
Wang, Z.T., Z. Wang and Y.W. Hu, Possible roles of platelet-derived microparticles in atherosclerosis. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 2016. 248: p. 10-16.(原文文献类型:Review) |
11 |
Zhang, Y., et al., Long noncoding RNA BDNF-AS protects local anesthetic induced neurotoxicity in dorsal root ganglion neurons. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 2016. 80: p. 207-212. |
12 |
Lu, Z.J., et al., Adipose tissue extract promotes adipose tissue regeneration in an adipose tissue engineering chamber model. CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH, 2016. 364(2): p. 289-298. |
13 |
Fan, R., J. Sun and J.L. Hou, Combination Therapy With Tenofovir and Peginterferon May Not Be Translated Into Current Clinical Practice. GASTROENTEROLOGY, 2016. 150(5): p. 1253-1254.(原文文献类型:Correspondence) |
14 |
Zeng, D., et al., Spectral CT Image Restoration via an Average Image-Induced Nonlocal Means Filter. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2016. 63(5): p. 1044-1057. |
15 |
Huang, W.F., et al., High-mobility group box 1 impairs airway epithelial barrier function through the activation of the RAGE/ERK pathway. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 2016. 37(5): p. 1189-1198. |
16 |
Liang, X.J., et al., Advanced oxidation protein products induce endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human renal glomerular endothelial cells through induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress. JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND ITS COMPLICATIONS, 2016. 30(4): p. 573-579. |
17 |
Wang, H., et al., Modified first dorsal metacarpal artery island flap for sensory reconstruction of thumb pulp defects (vol 41, pg 177, 2016). JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-EUROPEAN VOLUME, 2016. 41(4): p. 462-462. |
18 |
Hu, G.W., et al., Assessment of liver fibrosis in rats by MRI with apparent diffusion coefficient and T-1 relaxation time in the rotating frame. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, 2016. 43(5): p. 1082-1089. |
19 |
Zeng, Z.H., et al., Drag-reducing polyethylene oxide improves microcirculation after hemorrhagic shock. JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH, 2016. 202(1): p. 118-125. |
20 |
Li, Y., et al., Efficiency of neural respiratory drive for the assessment of bronchodilator responsiveness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an exploratory study. JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE, 2016. 8(5): p. 958-965. |
21 |
Liu, T., et al., Evaluation of Raman spectra of human brain tumor tissue using the learning vector quantization neural network. LASER PHYSICS, 2016. 26(0556065). |
22 |
Luo, Y.W., et al., Fat-Free Mass Index for Evaluating the Nutritional Status and Disease Severity in COPD. RESPIRATORY CARE, 2016. 61(5): p. 680-688. |
23 |
Lu, Y.K., et al., Microbubble-Mediated Sonothrombolysis Improves Outcome After Thrombotic Microembolism-Induced Acute Ischemic Stroke. STROKE, 2016. 47(5): p. 1344-1353. |
24 |
Lei, C.Y., et al., The decrease of cyclin B2 expression inhibits invasion and metastasis of bladder cancer. UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS, 2016. 34(5). |
25 |
Song, B., et al., Unraveling the neurotoxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles: focusing on molecular mechanisms. BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2016. 7.(原文文献类型:Review) |
26 |
Zhang, B.C., et al., Biomechanical Comparison of Modified TARP Technique Versus Modified Goel Technique for the Treatment of Basilar Invagination: A Finite Element Analysis. SPINE, 2016. 41(8): p. E459-E466. |
27 |
Huang, Z.F., et al., Vertebral Derotation by Vertebral Column Manipulator Improves Postoperative Radiographs Outcomes of Lenke 5C Patients for Follow-up of Minimum 2 Years. CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY, 2016. 29(3): p. E157-E161. |
28 |
Shi, Y., et al., A study of the brain functional network of Deqi via acupuncturing stimulation at BL40 by rs-fMRI. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN MEDICINE, 2016. 25: p. 71-77. |
29 |
Li, Y.L., X.A. Zhang and S.T. Qi, Anatomic characteristics of the dural sheath of the trigeminal nerve. HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK, 2016. 381: p. E185-E188. |
30 |
Yu, R., et al., First-Trimester Echocardiographic Features and Perinatal Outcomes in Fetuses With Congenital Absence of the Aortic Valve. JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE, 2016. 35(4): p. 739-745. |
31 |
Cai, H.H., M.B. Liu and Y.L. He, Treatment of Early Stage Endometrial Cancer by Transumbilical Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery Versus Traditional Laparoscopic Surgery: A Comparison Study. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e321114). |
32 |
Wei, Y.M., et al., LC-UV Determination of Baicalin in Rabbit Plasma and Tissues for Application in Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution Studies of Baicalin after Intravenous Administration of Liposomal and Injectable Formulations. MOLECULES, 2016. 21(4444). |
33 |
Liu, S., et al., Neuropeptide Y stimulates osteoblastic differentiation and VEGF expression of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells related to canonical Wnt signaling activating in vitro. NEUROPEPTIDES, 2016. 56: p. 105-113. |
34 |
Ou, Q.Q., et al., Yinzhihuang attenuates ANIT-induced intrahepatic cholestasis in rats through upregulation of Mrp2 and Bsep expressions. PEDIATRIC RESEARCH, 2016. 79(4): p. 589-595. |
35 |
Tang, W.J., et al., Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Apoptosis-Related Genes TP63 and CD40 with Risk for Lung Cancer in a Chinese Han Population. TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 238(4): p. 279-286. |
36 |
Dong, Z.Y., et al., Potential biomarker for checkpoint blockade immunotherapy and treatment strategy. TUMOR BIOLOGY, 2016. 37(4): p. 4251-4261.(原文文献类型:Review) |
37 |
Gao, Y.L. and X.H. Lu, Decreased expression of MEG3 contributes to retinoblastoma progression and affects retinoblastoma cell growth by regulating the activity of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway (vol 37, pg 1461, 2016). TUMOR BIOLOGY, 2016. 37(4): p. 5655-5655.(原文文献类型:Review) |
38 |
Lei, Q.C., et al., Whole Grain Intake Reduces Pancreatic Cancer Risk A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e27479).(原文文献类型:META-ANALYSIS OF OBSERVE STUDIES IN EPIDEMIOLOGY) |
39 |
Yu, S.J., et al., Haploidentical Transplantation Without In Vitro T-Cell Depletion Results in Outcomes Equivalent to Those of Contemporaneous Matched Sibling and Unrelated Donor Transplantation for Acute Leukemia. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e297311). |
40 |
Zhang, B., et al., The Incidence, Classification, and Management of Acute Adverse Reactions to the Low-Osmolar Iodinated Contrast Media Isovue and Ultravist in Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography Scanning. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e317012). |
41 |
Xie, R.Y., et al., Targeted Disruption of miR-17-92 Impairs Mouse Spermatogenesis by Activating mTOR Signaling Pathway. MEDICINE, 2016. 95(e27137). |
42 |
Yang, L., et al., Rapid determination of a fluorinated gas in a lipid microbubble contrast agent by ultrasound-mediated microbubble destruction and GC-MS. ANALYTICAL METHODS, 2016. 8(16): p. 3353-3358. |
43 |
Peng, N.X., et al., Combination of axitinib and dasatinib for anti-cancer activities in two prostate cancer cell lines. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 2016. 11(1): p. 130-137. |
44 |
Cui, C.H., et al., Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Adenylyl Transferase 2: A Promising Diagnostic and Therapeutic Target for Colorectal Cancer. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2016(1804137). |
45 |
Xi, D., et al., The Impact of Serum Amyloid P-Component on Gene Expression in RAW264.7 Mouse Macrophages. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2016(9380290). |
46 |
Zou, Y.C., et al., Downregulation of dickkopf-1 enhances the proliferation and osteogenic potential of fibroblasts isolated from ankylosing spondylitis patients via the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in vitro. CONNECTIVE TISSUE RESEARCH, 2016. 57(3): p. 200-211. |
47 |
Nie, L.H., et al., Synthesis of monodispersed pH-sensitive Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles and the potential medical application of adsorption for bovine serum album. INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS, 2016. 168(1): p. 183-194. |
48 |
Zhou, P., et al., Clinicopathological characteristics of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer and the efficacy of trastuzumab in the People's Republic of China. ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY, 2016. 9: p. 2287-2295. |
49 |
Luo, Z.L., et al., Serum microRNA-199a/b-3p as a predictive biomarker for treatment response in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing transarterial chemoembolization. ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY, 2016. 9: p. 2667-2674. |
50 |
Zeng, Z.H., et al., Polydatin Protecting Kidneys against Hemorrhagic Shock-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction via SIRT1 Activation and p53 Deacetylation. OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY, 2016(1737185). |
51 |
Zhao, Z.H., et al., Sulforaphane Attenuates Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in Rats via Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway. OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY, 2016(9825623). |
52 |
Chen, X.M., et al., Nanohydroxyapatite/cellulose nanocrystals/silk fibroin ternary scaffolds for rat calvarial defect regeneration. RSC ADVANCES, 2016. 6(42): p. 35684-35691. |
53 |
Zhang, H.F., et al., Emulsified Isoflurane Protects Against Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia Injury in Rats via the PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 2016. 122(5): p. 1377-1384. |
54 |
Zhu, T., et al., Emodin suppresses LPS-induced inflammation in RAW264.7 cells through a PPAR gamma-dependent pathway. INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY, 2016. 34: p. 16-24. |
55 |
Chen, D.X., et al., Emodin attenuates TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis and autophagy in mouse C2C12 myoblasts though the phosphorylation of Akt. INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY, 2016. 34: p. 107-113. |
56 |
Jiang, D.Q., et al., Efficacy and safety of prostaglandin El plus lipoic acid combination therapy versus monotherapy for patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 2016. 27: p. 8-16.(原文文献类型:Review) |
57 |
Gu, Y., et al., TUSC3 promotes colorectal cancer progression and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) through WNT/-catenin and MAPK signalling. JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, 2016. 239(1): p. 60-71. |
58 |
Wang, X.P., et al., Identification and Characterization of a Cleavage Site in the Proteolysis of Orf Virus 086 Protein. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, 2016. 7(538). |
59 |
Hu, Y.F., et al., Morbidity and Mortality of Laparoscopic Versus Open D2 Distal Gastrectomy for Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2016. 34(12): p. 1350-+. |
60 |
Poon, K., L.X. Liang and C. Xu, Use of microbial fuel cells to monitor current production in Qi-deficient liver cells. JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE, 2016. 36(2): p. 231-237. |
61 |
Tang, X., et al., Expression of klotho and beta-catenin in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, and their clinicopathological and prognostic significance. DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS, 2016. 29(3): p. 207-214. |
62 |
Tang, X., et al., Gastrointestinal: Endoscopic submucosal tunnel dissection of a giant cardiac leiomyoma. JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 2016. 31(4): p. 706-706.(原文文献类型:Editorial Material) |
63 |
Huang, H.C., et al., Autophagy Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration and Motor Recovery Following Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury in Rats. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 2016. 58(4): p. 416-423. |
64 |
Jin, P. and X.F. Chen, Current Status of Epigenetics and Anticancer Drug Discovery. ANTI-CANCER AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 2016. 16(6): p. 699-712.(原文文献类型:Review) |
65 |
Wu, J., et al., Fetuin A is down-regulated in rats during heterotopic ossification after Achilles tenotomy. BIOTECHNIC & HISTOCHEMISTRY, 2016. 91(4): p. 229-236. |
66 |
Wu, J., et al., Resveratrol inhibition of TNF-alpha and IL-1 for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: from In-Silico to In-vitro elucidation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 745-752. |
67 |
Lu, Y.Y., et al., MMPs and VEGF were increased by irradiation combined with interventional treatment in the rabbit VX2 liver tumor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 1160-1169. |
68 |
Hu, G.W., et al., Assessment of liver fibrosis: comparison of the liver fibrosis index by real-time ultrasound elastography and the apparent diffusion coefficient by magnetic resonance imaging in a rat model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 1190-1199. |
69 |
He, L.W., et al., The association between OGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism and breast cancer risk: an updated meta-analysis of 20 case-control studies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 1920-1930. |
70 |
Zhu, R., Y.H. Dong and H.L. Yu, Prognostic value of miR-21 in patients with breast cancer: a meta-analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 2017-2026. |
71 |
Li, H., et al., Phenethyl isothiocyanate inhibits the migration and invasion of colon cancer SW480 cells via the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-9. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 2423-2429. |
72 |
Li, H., et al., Attitude and knowledge of chinese physicians towards obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 3433-3440. |
73 |
Jiang, Y., et al., A retrospective analysis of effects of age on proximal femoral geometry in 466 Chinese Han healthy adults. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2016. 9(2): p. 4453-4459. |
74 |
Peng, C.C., et al., 2,6-Bis(benzimidazol-2-yl)pyridine as a potent transmembrane anion transporter. BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2016. 26(10): p. 2442-2445. |
75 |
Cao, L., et al., Auto Detection of Lung Ground-Glass Opacity Nodules Based on High-Pass Filter and Gaussian Mixture Model. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 2016. 6(2): p. 320-327. |
76 |
Duan, J.M., et al., Overexpression of fatty acid synthase predicts a poor prognosis for human gastric cancer. MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS, 2016. 13(4): p. 3027-3035. |
77 |
Liu, Y.L., et al., Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles from 'Ershiwuwei Shanhu' Pill Induced Cellular Swelling of SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2016. 16(3): p. 2336-2342. |
78 |
Guo, Y., et al., Lentivirus-mediated transfection of chondroitinase ABC gene without the bacterial leader sequence enables long-term secretion of functional chondroitinase ABC in human bone marrow stromal cells. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2016. 38(5): p. 893-900. |
79 |
Zhang, W.Z., Z.Y. Liang and J. Li, Inhibition of rhotekin exhibits antitumor effects in lung cancer cells. ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 2016. 35(5): p. 2529-2534. |
80 |
Zhou, W.J., et al., Histone deacetylase inhibitor screening identifies HC toxin as the most effective in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells. ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 2016. 35(5): p. 2535-2542. |
81 |
Zhang, R.P., et al., PTEN enhances G2/M arrest in etoposide-treated MCF-7 cells through activation of the ATM pathway. ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 2016. 35(5): p. 2707-2714. |
82 |
Zhu, W.S., et al., Hsp90aa1: a novel target gene of miR-1 in cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016. 6(24498). |
83 |
Wang, Y.M., et al., P21-Activated Kinase Inhibitors FRAX486 and IPA3: Inhibition of Prostate Stromal Cell Growth and Effects on Smooth Muscle Contraction in the Human Prostate. PLOS ONE, 2016. 11(e01533124). |
84 |
Zeng, R., et al., Epb41l3 suppresses esophageal squamous cell carcinoma invasion and inhibits MMP2 and MMP9 expression. CELL BIOCHEMISTRY AND FUNCTION, 2016. 34(3): p. 133-141. |
85 |
Gao, X.Y., et al., Prolonged hypothermia exposure diminishes neuroprotection for severe ischemic-hypoxic primary neurons. CRYOBIOLOGY, 2016. 72(2): p. 141-147. |
86 |
Zhang, Q., et al., Comparison of the diagnostic efficacy of white light endoscopy and magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging for early gastric cancer: a meta-analysis. GASTRIC CANCER, 2016. 19(2): p. 543-552. |
87 |
Hu, J. and J. Liu, Licochalcone A Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Kidney Injury by Inhibiting NF-kappa B Activation. INFLAMMATION, 2016. 39(2): p. 569-574. |
88 |
Wang, Y., et al., Forsythiaside A Exhibits Anti-inflammatory Effects in LPS-Stimulated BV2 Microglia Cells Through Activation of Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway. NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH, 2016. 41(4): p. 659-665. |
89 |
Liu, Q., et al., Prophylactic DLI vs no DLI for refractory acute leukemia undergoing allo-HSCT with sequential intensified conditioning. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION, 2016. 511: p. S314-S314.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
90 |
Xuan, L., et al., Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor mobilization increases the proportion and immunosuppressive function of regulatory gamma delta T cells. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION, 2016. 511: p. S51-S51.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
91 |
Chen, J.H., Design of gene delivery systems based on PAMAM derivatives as carrier and their transfection mechanism. NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 2016. 12(2): p. 455-455.(原文文献类型:Meeting Abstract) |
92 |
Wei, H.X., et al., Relationship Between Cat Contact and Infection by Toxoplasma gondii in Humans: A Meta-Analysis. COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY, 2016. 83(1): p. 11-19. |
93 |
Huang, Y., et al., A Comparison of Tissue versus Swab Culturing of Infected Diabetic Foot Wounds. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2016(8198714). |
94 |
Liao, W.Z., et al., Novel walnut peptide-selenium hybrids with enhanced anticancer synergism: facile synthesis and mechanistic investigation of anticancer activity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE, 2016. 11: p. 1305-1321. |
95 |
Huang, A.Q., et al., In situ enzymatic formation of supramolecular nanofibers for efficiently killing cancer cells. RSC ADVANCES, 2016. 6(39): p. 32519-32522.(原文文献类型:Communication) |
96 |
Wu, W.J., et al., Quercetin as an Antiviral Agent Inhibits Influenza A Virus (IAV) Entry. VIRUSES-BASEL, 2016. 8(1). |
97 |
Jiang, M.J., et al., Inhibiting effects of rhynchophylline on zebrafish methamphetamine dependence are associated with amelioration of neurotransmitters content and down-regulation of TH and NR2B expression. PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 2016. 68: p. 31-43. |
98 |
He, L.G., et al., Sinomenine down-regulates TLR4/TRAF6 expression and attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced osteoclastogenesis and osteolysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 2016. 779: p. 66-79. |
99 |
Yuan, X.P., et al., Efficient construct of a large and functional scFv yeast display library derived from the ascites B cells of ovarian cancer patients by three-fragment transformation-associated recombination. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2016. 100(9): p. 4051-4061. |
100 |
Zhong, Z.M., et al., Reoperation After Cervical Disc Arthroplasty Versus Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: A Meta-analysis. CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH, 2016. 474(5): p. 1307-1316. |
101 |
Liang, X.E., et al., Combining routine markers improves the accuracy of transient elastography for hepatitis B cirrhosis detection. DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE, 2016. 48(5): p. 512-518. |
102 |
Wang, T.Y., et al., Regional homogeneity changes in patients with primary insomnia. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY, 2016. 26(5): p. 1292-1300. |
103 |
Wang, Y. and J.L. Hou, Fibrosis assessment: impact on current management of chronic liver disease and application of quantitative invasive tools. HEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 2016. 10(3): p. 448-461.(原文文献类型:Review) |
104 |
Li, J.W., et al., Mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate inflammatory cytokine-induced impairment of AT-II cells through a keratinocyte growth factor-dependent PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS, 2016. 13(5): p. 3755-3762. |
105 |
Li, J.X., et al., MicroRNA-29b inhibits TGF-beta 1-induced fibrosis via regulation of the TGF-beta 1/Smad pathway in primary human endometrial stromal cells. MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS, 2016. 13(5): p. 4229-4237. |
106 |
Wu, H., et al., Major spliceosome defects cause male infertility and are associated with nonobstructive azoospermia in humans. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2016. 113(15): p. 4134-4139. |
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